to cut in
[phrase form: cut]
unterbrechen, hineinreden
to interrupt someone's conversation
Despite the serious discussion, he could n't resist the urge to cut in with a lighthearted comment.
She decided to cut in when she overheard a misunderstanding to provide clarification.
The teacher had to cut in to redirect the students' off-topic conversation back to the lesson.
vordrängeln, sich vorgedrängeln
to rudely move ahead of others who are waiting in a line
The teacher reprimanded the student who tried to cut in during the lunch line.
Rather than waiting for their turn, the group decided to cut in at the amusement park ride.
He attempted to cut in during the crowded bus boarding, ignoring the waiting passengers.
sich einscheren, einfädeln
to drive a vehicle into the space in front of another, providing minimal room for the latter to navigate comfortably
Frustrated by the slow-moving traffic, he decided to cut in, narrowly squeezing into the lane.
The aggressive driver abruptly cut in, causing the car behind to slam on its brakes to avoid a collision.
During rush hour, some motorists impatiently cut in, creating tension and potential hazards on the road.
sich einmischen, in den Tanz eintreten
to join a dance by politely replacing one person in the dancing pair
As the lively music played, he could n't resist the urge to cut in and dance with her.
During the ball, it was considered polite to wait for a suitable moment to cut in and ask for a dance.
Despite being in the middle of a waltz, he decided to cut in and steal a dance with the elegant lady.
einarbeiten, unterheben
to blend or mix ingredients together with cutting or chopping motions, often in a cooking or food preparation context
Transitive: to cut in ingredients
To make salsa, you can cut in tomatoes, onions, and cilantro for a fresh and flavorful mix.
The chef demonstrated how to cut in butter when making a flaky pie crust.
For a crumbly texture, you need to cut in the cold butter evenly into the flour for the biscuit dough.
einbeziehen, beteiligen
to let someone have a portion of something or share in a benefit, profit, or activity
Ditransitive: to cut in sb a profit
The generous business owner decided to cut in the hardworking employees on the company's success with a year-end bonus.
In recognition of their contributions, the team leader agreed to cut in the junior members on the project's rewards.
The artist chose to cut in the collaborating designer on the profits from the jointly created artwork.
einschalten, aktivieren
to activate a specific part or function of a machine when it becomes necessary or required for operation
The cooling system automatically cuts in when the engine reaches a certain temperature.
The backup generator is designed to cut in immediately in case of a power outage.
The emergency lighting system is programmed to cut in when the main power source fails.

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