Vertrag, Bridge-Vertrag
What is a "contract"?
A contract is the agreement made during the bidding phase that determines the objective for the hand. It specifies which suit will be the trump suit, or if there will be no trump suit at all. The contract also sets the number of tricks a partnership must win to fulfill the agreement. The declarer, chosen based on the winning bid, aims to meet the contract by winning the required number of tricks. If the declarer succeeds, their team wins points; if not, the opposing team earns points.
Vertrag, Bridge-Vertrag
einen Vertrag abschließen, einen Vertrag vereinbaren
erkranken, anstecken
sich zusammenziehen
vertraglich übernehmen, einen Vertrag abschließen
zusammenziehen, verkleinern
verkleinern, abkürzen
zusammenziehen, konzentrieren