výmluva, ospravedlnění
a reason given to explain one's careless, offensive, or wrong behavior or action
He made an excuse for being late to the meeting, claiming that traffic was heavy.
She used a family emergency as an excuse to leave the party early.
The teacher reminded the students that having a valid excuse is necessary for missing assignments.
špatný příklad, hnusný příklad
an extremely bad example
to excuse
omlouvat, zdůvodnit
to act as a valid reason or justification for something
Transitive: to excuse an action or shortcoming
His illness served to excuse his absence from the meeting.
The bad weather could excuse the delay in the flight schedule.
Her exhaustion was enough to excuse her early departure from the party.
omlouvat, odpouštět
to forgive someone for making a mistake, etc.
Transitive: to excuse sb
Understanding the circumstances, she chose to excuse her colleague for the unintentional oversight.
He frequently excuses his friends for their occasional lapses.
The manager is currently excusing team members for delays due to unforeseen challenges.
omluvit, osvobodit
to formally free or exempt someone from an obligation, responsibility, or task
Transitive: to excuse sb from an obligation
The manager excused him from the meeting because of his conflicting schedule.
She was excused from jury duty because she had a prior engagement.
The coach excused the player from practice after learning of the injury.
omluvit, ospravedlnit
to try to minimize or remove the blame associated with a wrongdoing by offering an explanation or defense
Transitive: to excuse a wrongdoing
He tried to excuse his mistake by saying he did n't have enough time to prepare.
The defendant attempted to excuse his actions by arguing that he was under stress.
The student excused his poor performance by saying the subject was too difficult.
omlouvat, odpouštět
to pardon or overlook someone's mistake or wrongdoing
Transitive: to excuse a mistake or wrongdoing
The teacher excused the student's late arrival because of the traffic.
He asked her to excuse his behavior, and she forgave him.
She excused her friend's harsh words, knowing she was under stress.
omlouvat, uvolnit
to grant permission for someone to leave or exit a room, meeting, or event
Transitive: to excuse sb
The professor excused the student from the lecture when he had to leave early.
He was excused from the gathering as he had an urgent matter to attend to.
The manager excused the team member from the meeting to handle a client issue.

Blízká Slova