to flare up
[phrase form: flare]
تفاقم, احتدم
to suddenly become more intense, especially in terms of a situation or conflict
The argument between the neighbors flared up again, and the police were called.
Political tensions in the region continue to flare up, causing concerns for international peace.
The dispute over the inheritance flared up during the reading of the will.
توهج, اشتعل
(of fire, flames, etc.) to suddenly and strongly increase in brightness or intensity
The wildfire flared up due to strong winds, making it more challenging to control.
As the wind picked up, the campfire flared up, providing much-needed warmth.
The fire in the hearth flared up, casting dancing shadows on the walls.
انفجر بالغضب, تفجر بالانفعال
to suddenly become angry or agitated
His patience finally ran out, and he flared up at the constant interruptions.
Her temper tended to flare up when she was stressed or frustrated.
Do n't mention that topic around him; it 's a sensitive subject that makes him flare up.
تفاقم, اشتعل مرة أخرى
(of an illness or disease) to suddenly worsen or become active again after a period of improvement
Her arthritis flared up after a period of remission, causing severe pain in her joints.
The virus had been contained, but it could still flare up in certain areas.
The skin condition flared up due to exposure to the sun, causing discomfort.