Tìm kiếm
trần, khỏa thân
(of a part of the body) not covered by any clothing
She felt the cool breeze on her bare arms as she walked along the beach.
His bare chest glistened with sweat after a vigorous workout at the gym.
She blushed when she realized her bare feet were visible under the table at the fancy restaurant.
trống trải, thiếu thốn
lacking in magnitude or quantity
trần, không có phủ
lacking its natural or customary covering
trần, không có lớp bảo vệ
not having a protective covering
trống trơn, không có gì
having everything extraneous removed including contents
trống trải, khô ráo
offering no protection or refuge
The mountaintop was bare, offering no refuge from the biting wind.
The small island was bare, with no vegetation to shield against the scorching sun.
The shipwreck survivors found themselves on a bare, uninhabited island.
tối thiểu, hạn chế
just barely adequate or within a lower limit
The bare idea of leaving home filled him with excitement.
Her apology was the bare acknowledgment of her mistake.
He clung to the bare possibility of winning despite the odds.
trần trụi, không có trang trí
lacking embellishment or ornamentation
trần, không sơn
lacking a surface finish such as paint
to bare
Bày tỏ, Phơi bày
to make something visible
Transitive: to bare sth
With a dramatic flourish, the magician bared the contents of the empty hat, revealing a surprise.
As the fog lifted, it bared a stunning view of the mountain range in the distance.
Removing the curtain, the actor bared the stage set, exposing the elaborate backdrop for the play.
bộc lộ, phơi bày
to reveal or expose something
Transitive: to bare information or facts
In her heartfelt speech, she bared her soul, sharing her deepest fears and insecurities with the audience.
The therapy sessions allowed him to bare his innermost thoughts and confront the emotional baggage.
The documentary film bared the harsh reality of poverty, shedding light on the struggles faced by marginalized communities.