تلاش کریں
to secure
محفوظ کرنا, بند کرنا
to fasten or lock something firmly in place to prevent movement, damage, or unauthorized access
Ditransitive: to secure sth to a support structure
Sarah secured her bicycle to the rack with a sturdy lock before going into the store.
The carpenter secured the shelves to the wall to ensure they would n't fall.
He secured the ladder to the scaffolding with safety straps before climbing up.
محکم کرنا, بند کرنا
to fasten or lock an entry point securely
Transitive: to secure an entry point
He secured the door with a deadbolt to prevent unauthorized entry.
She secured the suitcase with a combination lock to keep her belongings safe during the trip.
The warehouse manager secured the storage containers with heavy-duty padlocks.
حاصل کرنا, کامیابی سے حاصل کرنا
to reach or gain a particular thing, typically requiring significant amount of effort
Transitive: to secure a success
After months of negotiations, they finally secured a contract with the new client.
She worked tirelessly to secure a scholarship for her studies abroad.
The team secured a victory in the final minutes of the game with a last-minute goal.
ضمانت دینا, کے لیے سیکیورڈ کرنا
to provide collateral or assurances against a loan to ensure the lender is repaid
Transitive: to secure a loan
They secured the mortgage by offering their home as collateral.
He secured the business loan by pledging his inventory as security.
She secured the car loan by putting down a substantial down payment.
تحفظ کرنا, محفوظ کرنا
to ensure or safeguard something from the risk of loss
Transitive: to secure an asset or privilege
The company secured its data by regularly backing it up to a secure server.
They secured their investment by diversifying their portfolio across different asset classes.
She secured her future by investing in a retirement savings plan early in her career.
The bank vault is highly secure, with multiple layers of security measures in place.
They installed a secure lock on the door to prevent unauthorized access.
The child seat is securely fastened in the car to ensure the safety of the baby.
محفوظ, اطمینان بخش
free from fear or doubt; easy in mind
محفوظ, مضبوط
not likely to fail or give way
محفوظ, محفوظ شدہ
immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with
مالی طور پر محفوظ, مالی اعتبار سے محفوظ
financially safe

قریبی الفاظ