تلاش کریں
to pass on
[phrase form: pass]
منتقل کرنا, حوالہ دینا
to transfer the possession or ownership of something to another person
Transitive: to pass on ownership of something to sb
They passed their ancestral home on to their daughter, ensuring it stays in the family.
They passed their collection of vintage coins on to the national museum for preservation.
After much consideration, she chose to pass on her late mother's jewelry to her niece.
انتقال کر جانا, وفات پانا
to no longer be alive
I'm sorry to hear that your grandmother passed on last year.
He passed on peacefully in his sleep.
I heard that Mrs. Thompson, our old neighbor, passed on last week.
پہنچانا, منتقل کرنا
to convey information or a message to another person
Transitive: to pass on information or a message to sb
Can you pass on this message to Jessica when you see her?
I 'll pass on your greetings to the team.
She wanted me to pass on this book recommendation to you.
منتقل کرنا, ورثے میں دینا
to transfer knowledge, traditions, or skills to another person or group, often to ensure they are preserved or continued
Transitive: to pass on information or skills
The martial arts instructor decided to pass on his advanced techniques only to his most dedicated students.
Teachers not only deliver lessons but also pass on critical life skills and values to their students.
Grandparents often pass on family histories and traditions to their grandchildren through tales and anecdotes.
منتقل کرنا, پھیلانا
to transfer a disease or infection from one person, animal, or organism to others
Transitive: to pass on a disease or infection
Sick people can easily pass on the flu to others if they do n't take precautions.
Vaccinations can help reduce the chance of passing on infectious diseases.
Despite her best efforts, she passed the infection on to her roommate.
انکار کرنا, چھوڑ دینا
to politely decline an offer or opportunity
Transitive: to pass on an offer or opportunity
I passed on going to the movie with my friends because I was feeling sick.
I 'll pass on dessert; I'm watching my sugar intake.
She decided to pass on the job offer after considering her options.
آگے بڑھنا, گزرنا
to move forward
They encountered a blockade on the main road, so they decided to pass on through a side street.
We need to wait for the cars to pass on before we can safely merge into the next lane.
It 's crowded in the hallway, so let 's wait for the group ahead to pass on before we continue.
آگے بڑھنا, ترقی کرنا
to move forward in life, career, or personal development
Intransitive: to pass on to a further stage
By gaining experience in this role, you'll be better equipped to pass on to higher positions within the company.
As we celebrate this achievement, it's natural to start thinking about how we will pass on to the next phase of our lives.
After working on communication and understanding, the couple was able to pass on to a healthier and more connected relationship.
پہنچانا, منتقل کرنا
to actively contribute to the spread of something
Transitive: to pass on sth
Pass on the flyers to people as they enter the event.
Pass these brochures on to potential customers.
Yesterday, we passed on the handouts to diners as they entered the restaurant.
منتقل کرنا, حوالہ دینا
to refer someone or something to another person for a decision or judgment
Transitive: to pass on a task or responsibility to sb
When the support team could n't resolve the problem, they passed the ticket on to the technical department.
After the initial review, the editor passed on the manuscript to the chief editor for final approval.
He was n't certain about the tax implications, so he passed the client on to the senior accountant.
پاس کرنا, دینا
to give an item to another person after using it
Transitive: to pass on sth to sb
She passed on her old toys to children in the neighborhood.
I enjoyed the book; now, I'll pass it on to my friend.
Pass the remote on to your brother; he wants to change the channel.

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