to know
veta, känna till
to have some information about something
Transitive: to know sth | to know that
Do you know where the nearest gas station is?
He knows that he made a mistake and apologizes for it.
He knows that he needs to study more for the exam.
veta, känna till
to be completely certain about something
Transitive: to know that
He knew deep down that he would regret it if he did n't take the job offer.
I do n't know if I'm ready to commit to a long-term relationship.
I know for a fact that I left my keys on the kitchen counter.
to be acquainted or familiar with a person, thing, place, etc.
Transitive: to know sb/sth
I know the owner of the restaurant, he's a friend of mine.
She knows the city like the back of her hand, having lived there for years.
They knew each other from high school.
veta, känna till
to have experience of something, especially a certain feeling or situation
Transitive: to know sth
Complex Transitive: to know sb/sth to do sth
He knows the pain of loss after his grandmother passed away last year.
I 've never known her to be late before, she's always very punctual.
She knows the feeling of defeat all too well after years of struggling with her anxiety disorder.
känna igen, vara medveten om
to perceive someone or something as a person or thing with particular qualities
Complex Transitive: to know sb/sth as sb/sth
He's known as a charismatic and inspiring speaker who always leaves a lasting impression.
She has become well known as a successful entrepreneur in the tech industry.
She's known as a caring and compassionate nurse who always puts her patients first.
känna igen, erkänna
to recognize or identify someone or something as different from others
Transitive: to know sb/sth
She knows her sister's handwriting from anyone else's.
The teacher knows each student by their handwriting.
I know her by the way she laughs.
känna till, veta
to be able to identify a particular person or thing
Transitive: to know sth
I could n't see her face in the dark, but I knew it was my sister from her laugh.
I know that book anywhere - it's my favorite.
I know the sound of his footsteps, and can tell when he's coming up the stairs.
kalla, benämna
to use a specific title or name for people or things
Complex Transitive: to know sb/sth as sb/sth
John Allen Hendrix was better known by his stage name ' Jimi' Hendrix.
The band was previously known as ' The Quarrymen' before they changed their name to ' The Beatles'.
The city was once known as ' New Amsterdam' before it was renamed ' New York'.
kände, haft sex med
to have sex with someone
Transitive: to know sb
Tom knew Susan in the shower.
Bill knew Sarah on the kitchen table.
Harry knew Sally.