a împunge, a străpunge
a droga, a adăuga alcool
a atinge un vârf, a exploda
a fixa, a înfinge
a suprima, a bloca
a împunge, a ciuda
a lovi, a arunca
a lovi, a spike-ui
cipici, pantofi cu ținte
ciocan, țăruș
țepușă, spică
cuie, țăruș
spină, vârf
toc înalt, toc ascuțit
puncă, vârf de sport
vârf, creștere bruscă
spic, spicul
spic, spicul
atac, spike
What is a "spike"?
A spike in volleyball is a strong downward hit of the ball, typically executed by a player near the net, aiming to send it into the opponent's court with speed and precision. It is an offensive move used to score points and often involves a coordinated approach, jump, and powerful arm swing. Spikes are challenging for defenders to block or return, making them a crucial part of the game. The success of a spike relies on timing, technique, and teamwork, as it often follows a set from a teammate.