apontar, fincar
adulterar, drogá
disparar, aumentar rapidamente
fixar, pregá-los
censurar, obstruir
espetar, agredir
dar um spike, deixar cair
socar, espancar
cravos, spikes
prego espesso, prego de ponta
pico, espeto
prego, espeto
espinho, pico
salto agulha, salto fino
ponta, cravo
aumento repentino, pico
espiga, inflorescência em espiga
espiga, espiga de milho
ataque, espetada
What is a "spike"?
A spike in volleyball is a strong downward hit of the ball, typically executed by a player near the net, aiming to send it into the opponent's court with speed and precision. It is an offensive move used to score points and often involves a coordinated approach, jump, and powerful arm swing. Spikes are challenging for defenders to block or return, making them a crucial part of the game. The success of a spike relies on timing, technique, and teamwork, as it often follows a set from a teammate.