pinchar, clavar
picar, droguear
aumentar bruscamente
clavar, punzar
suprimir, bloquear
clavar, pinchar
golpear el balón, estrellar el balón
rematar, clavar
clavos, zapatillas de clavos
clavo grande, clavo robusto
pico, clavo
pico, clavo
púas, espinas
tacón aguja, tacón alto
clavo, spike
espiga, espiga floral
espiga, espiga de cereal
remate, golpe
What is a "spike"?
A spike in volleyball is a strong downward hit of the ball, typically executed by a player near the net, aiming to send it into the opponent's court with speed and precision. It is an offensive move used to score points and often involves a coordinated approach, jump, and powerful arm swing. Spikes are challenging for defenders to block or return, making them a crucial part of the game. The success of a spike relies on timing, technique, and teamwork, as it often follows a set from a teammate.