to prick
înțepa, perfora
to create a small hole using a needle, thorn, or a similar sharp object
Transitive: to prick sth
She pricked her finger with a needle while sewing.
The nurse pricked the patient 's arm to draw a blood sample.
In gardening, thorns can prick your skin if you 're not careful.
provoca, stimula
to provoke with the intention of causing a reaction or response
Ditransitive: to prick sb to do sth
The teacher 's encouragement pricked the students to pursue their goals with more determination.
The coach pricked the team to push themselves harder during training sessions.
Her constant reminders pricked him to address the issues in their relationship.
ridica, îndrepta
(of an animal) to make its ears stand upright or become erect
Transitive: to prick ears
The dog pricked its ears at the sound of a distant bark.
The cat pricked its ears at the sound of a mouse.
As the squirrel approached, the rabbit pricked its ears, ready to dart away at any sign of danger.
a împunge, a deranja
to provoke a sense of mental or emotional discomfort
Transitive: to prick sb
The realization of her mistake pricked her with regret.
The weight of unresolved conflicts and regrets pricked him, tormenting him day and night.
The failure of his lifelong dream pricked him, leading to a sense of hopelessness.
înțepa, perfora
to feel a sharp, stinging pain
My fingers prick when they 're exposed to extreme cold.
With every step, the broken glass on the ground caused her feet to prick painfully.
idiot, prost
insulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculous
înțepare, perforare
the act of puncturing with a small point
penis, cocoașă
obscene terms for penis
indentare, zgarietură
a depression scratched or carved into a surface
She pricked her finger with a needle while sewing.
The nurse pricked the patient's arm to draw a blood sample.
In gardening, thorns can prick your skin if you're not careful.
To release air, he pricked the balloon with a pin.
The chef pricked the pastry with a fork before baking to prevent it from puffing up.

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