British pronunciation/pˈæk/
American pronunciation/ˈpæk/

Definiția și Sensul lui "pack"

to pack

a împacheta, a face bagajul

to put clothes and other things needed for travel into a bag, suitcase, etc.
Transitive: to pack a bag or similar container
to pack definition and meaning
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Before the trip, she had to pack her suitcase with essentials.
Yesterday, she packed her suitcase for the business trip.
They are currently packing their suitcases for the weekend trip.

a împacheta, a stivui

to place items or goods into a container
Transitive: to pack sth into a container
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She packed her clothes into a suitcase for her upcoming trip.
The workers packed the harvested apples into crates for shipping to the market.
He packed his lunch into a reusable container before heading to work.

a umple, a înghesui

to tightly fill a space or container until it is completely full or even overflowing
Transitive: to pack a space or container
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Spectators packed the stadium to witness the championship match.
Theatergoers packed the auditorium to enjoy the latest Broadway production.
Music lovers packed the concert hall to hear the renowned symphony orchestra perform.

a comprima, a presa

to make something more tightly packed or condensed, often by compressing or pressing it together
Transitive: to pack sth
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She packed the sand into the bucket to make sandcastles on the beach.
The workers packed the soil around the base of the tree to provide stability.
He packed the insulation material into the gaps in the wall to improve energy efficiency.

a împacheta, a transporta

to carry or convey goods, supplies, or equipment, typically on one's back or on the back of an animal
Transitive: to pack supplies or equipment
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The mountaineers packed their gear up the steep mountain trail to establish base camp.
She packed her camping equipment on her back and hiked into the wilderness for a weekend getaway.
Farmers in remote villages often pack their harvest on donkeys to transport it to market.

a împacheta, a bandaja

to envelop or encase something, typically a body part, in layers of cloth or material for therapeutic or medicinal purposes
Transitive: to pack a body part in cloth or material
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The athlete's injured ankle was packed in ice to reduce swelling and numb the pain.
After the spa treatment, her body was packed in a warm, aromatic mud wrap to detoxify the skin.
To alleviate the fever, the nurse packed the patient's forehead with a damp cloth.

a împacheta, aストックa

to place or store items within a container or packaging to protect them from damage, breakage, or contamination
Transitive: to pack sth in a container or packaging
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The food company packs its products in airtight containers to maintain freshness and prevent spoilage.
Before storing in the pantry, she packs grains and cereals in airtight containers to preserve their quality.
The florist packs delicate flower arrangements in sturdy boxes with water tubes to keep them fresh.

a împacheta, a carga

to equip or burden an animal, typically a mule or horse, with a pack for carrying goods or supplies
Transitive: to pack an animal with sth
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The mountaineers packed their mules with tents, food, and climbing gear for the expedition.
She packed her donkey with baskets of fresh produce to take to the market.
The explorers packed their horses with supplies for the long journey through the wilderness.

a împacheta, a compacta

to have the property to be folded into a more compact form
Intransitive: to pack | to pack into sth
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The collapsible table can pack into a small carrying case for easy transport to outdoor events.
The portable picnic table packs neatly into the trunk of the car for impromptu outings.
The folding chair packs into a slim profile, perfect for storing in tight spaces.

a purta arme, a avea arme la îndemână

to have firearms or other weapons readily accessible and carried on one's body
Transitive: to pack a weapon
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In some states, it 's legal to pack a concealed firearm with the proper permits.
The police officer always packs a backup handgun in an ankle holster.
He decided to pack a pistol when hiking in remote areas known for wildlife encounters.

pachet, ambalaj

a paper or cardboard container that is used to store items of the same type within, such as cigarettes
pack definition and meaning

haită, grup de lupi

a group of animals of the same type hunting or living together, particularly wolves
pack definition and meaning
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The wolf pack roamed the forest, their coordinated movements making them a formidable hunting force.
The African wild dogs formed a tight-knit pack, working together to bring down large prey.
Researchers observed a pack of coyotes scavenging near the river, their yips echoing through the night.

gangă, banda

an association of criminals
pack definition and meaning

fasă, compresă

a clean pad or covering used to apply pressure, absorb fluids, or protect a wound

What is a "pack"?

A pack is a disinfected or clean covering or pad used to apply pressure, absorb fluids, or protect a wound. Packs are often made of gauze, cloth, or other absorbent materials and can be applied cold or hot as needed. They are used in various medical procedures, such as wound care, surgery, or to control bleeding. Packs help maintain cleanliness and encourage healing by providing a barrier against infectious and harmful substances and supporting the affected area during recovery.


pachet, set

a complete collection of similar things

multime, grămadă

a large indefinite number

rucsac, pachet

a bundle (especially one carried on the back)

mască, cremă de curățare

a cream that cleanses and tones the skin

ga, cununa

an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose

un pachet de 52 de cărți de joc, un set de 52 de cărți de joc

*** a complete set of 52 playing cards
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