to tie up
[phrase form: tie]
amarra, prender
to fasten an object securely with ropes
Transitive: to tie up sth
Ditransitive: to tie up sth to sth
Before sailing, sailors tie the boat up to the dock.
He tied up the horse to the hitching post.
Please tie up the curtain to let more light in.
finalizar, arrematar
(in crocheting) to complete the final row of stitches before finishing the project
Transitive: to tie up sth
After hours of knitting, she tied up the scarf with a flourish.
She tied the crocheted blanket up with a delicate edging.
Tie up the DIY project with a creative flourish.
atrapalhar, imobilizar
to prevent something from normal movement or operation
Transitive: to tie up sb/sth
The traffic accident tied up the entire highway for hours.
A fallen tree branch tied up the power lines, causing a temporary outage in the neighborhood.
The technical glitch tied up the computer system, preventing employees from accessing important files.
amarra, prende
to safely attach a boat in its dock
Transitive: to tie up sth
They decided to tie up the kayaks along the riverbank.
The fisherman needed to tie up his dinghy before heading home.
Could you please tie up the speedboat before we go ashore?
imobilizar, vincular
to invest money or resources in a way that restricts their availability for other uses
Ditransitive: to tie up sth in sth
She decided to tie her savings up in a long-term investment.
The company tied the budget up in ambitious research projects.
He prefers not to tie his assets up in risky ventures.

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