I wore a warm coat to protect myself from the cold wind.
The ice cubes made the drink refreshingly cold.
The air conditioning made the room too cold, so I adjusted the temperature.
zimny, zimna
(of food or drink) served or consumed without being heated or after cooling
zimny, zdystansowany
showing little warmth or friendliness in attitude
His cold demeanor during the celebration disappointed his friends.
The cold reaction from the audience left the performer feeling discouraged.
Despite their efforts to engage him, he remained cold and distant.
zimny, zimny (w odniesieniu do kolorów)
(of colors) giving a cool or chilly feeling, like blues, purples, and greens
The cold hues of the ocean were beautifully represented in the landscape.
His choice of cold colors in the painting captured the essence of winter.
She prefers cold tones in her artwork to evoke a sense of tranquility.
zimny, lodowaty
having a bleak, unwelcoming quality that evokes feelings of melancholy
The office 's fluorescent lighting gave it a cold, sterile atmosphere.
The barren landscape under the overcast sky had a cold, desolate feeling.
The empty streets had a cold, eerie silence.
zimny, bezosobowy
lacking warmth and emotional engagement, presenting information or facts in an impersonal, detached manner
The news article provided a cold recounting of the events, with no personal insights.
His cold logic overshadowed any consideration for the people involved.
The cold analysis focused solely on data, ignoring the emotional implications.
He felt distanced by her seemingly cold attitude, unaware of her past experiences.
Rumors unfairly labeled her as cold due to her reserved nature in relationships.
Her friends described her as cold, but she simply preferred a slower, more emotional approach.
used in children's games to indicate that a player is far from locating a hidden item or guessing the correct answer
In the treasure hunt, her friends encouraged her, but when she turned the wrong way, they all said she was cold.
As he searched the yard for the hidden toy, his brother said he was cold when he walked towards the fence.
Emma searched the living room and heard her friends say, " Cold again! "
the temperature that is below what is considered normal or comfortable for a particular thing, person, or place
The cold can be extreme in the polar regions.
She enjoyed the refreshing cold of the early morning air.
The sudden cold in the evening made them turn on the heater.
przeziębienie, katar
a mild disease that we usually get when viruses affect our body and make us cough, sneeze, or have fever
During winter, many people catch a cold.
His cold is making him feel miserable.
She could n't go to school because of a severe cold.
na zimno, bez przygotowania
in a manner that is without any preparation
nagle, raptem
in a sudden and complete manner
I wore a warm coat to protect myself from the cold wind.
The ice cubes made the drink refreshingly cold.
The air conditioning made the room too cold, so I adjusted the temperature.
Bliskie Słowa