to etch
graveren, etseren
to cut or carve designs or writings on a hard surface, often using acid or a laser beam
Transitive: to etch a design on a surface | to etch a design onto a surface
The artist etched a detailed illustration on a metal plate.
The jeweler etched intricate patterns onto the silver pendant.
graveren, etsen
to engrave an image or design onto a block of material, such as wood or metal, for the purpose of printing
Transitive: to etch a surface or block
In the traditional art of woodblock printing, craftsmen would etch the wooden blocks with scenes of everyday life.
After etching the stone block, the lithographer prepared it for printing by applying ink to the raised surfaces.
etsen, graveren
to remove specific portions of a material's surface through chemical or physical means
Transitive: to etch a material
The engineer used a strong acid to etch the copper layer from the printed circuit board.
The engineer used a laser to etch the silicon wafer with precise lines.
etsen, insnijden
to make something distinctly visible or noticeable
Transitive: to etch sth
The harsh sunlight etched the contours of the mountains against the clear blue sky.
Het gure zonlicht etste de contouren van de bergen tegen de heldere blauwe lucht.
The artist used a sharp contrast of light and shadow to etch the outlines of the building.
De kunstenaar gebruikte een scherp contrast van licht en schaduw om de omtrekken van het gebouw te etsen.