op een nacht, gedurende de nacht
during a single night
The flowers bloomed overnight, transforming the garden.
The temperature dropped overnight, causing frost on the windows.
The decision was made overnight, surprising everyone in the morning.
de hele nacht, verzekerd van de nacht
used to refer to something that lasts or happens the entire night
The travelers decided to stay overnight at a nearby motel.
The lights were left on overnight to keep the parking lot illuminated.
She kept the bread dough rising overnight before baking it in the morning.
van de één op de andere dag, in één nacht
used to refer to something happening very quickly or suddenly, often within a short period
Her business became successful overnight after one viral social media post.
The city ’s weather changed overnight, going from warm and sunny to cold and stormy.
The project seemed impossible at first, but with the right plan, they managed to complete it overnight.
The hotel offers overnight accommodations for guests needing to stay the entire night.
The hospital has an overnight emergency department for patients requiring urgent medical attention.
The shipping company offers overnight delivery for packages that need to arrive quickly.
plotseling, van de ene op de andere dag
happening or changing very quickly, often within a short period
The product ’s overnight success caught everyone by surprise.
She became an overnight sensation after her video went viral.
The stock market ’s overnight crash left investors in shock.
een overnachting, een nachtverblijf
a brief stay or stop that lasts for just one night
They planned an overnight in the mountains before continuing their journey.
The package included an overnight in a cozy countryside inn.
During the road trip, we had several overnights in different small towns.
to overnight
overnachten, een nacht doorbrengen
to stay in a particular place for the duration of one night
We overnighted at a cozy bed and breakfast during our road trip.
The hikers overnighted at a mountain lodge before continuing their ascent.
She often overnights at her friend ’s house when working late in the city.
overnight verzenden, 's nachts verzenden
to transport goods during the night to ensure they arrive by the next day
The company overnighted the documents to the client to meet the urgent deadline.
We overnighted the package to ensure it would be delivered first thing in the morning.
The samples were overnighted to the lab for immediate testing.

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