항구, 정박지
a sheltered area of water along the coast where ships, boats, and other vessels can anchor safely, typically protected from rough seas by natural or artificial barriers
The ships docked in the harbor to avoid the storm approaching from the open sea.
The town ’s harbor is busy with fishing boats returning early in the morning.
The sailors were relieved to see the harbor after weeks at sea.
After a long journey, the quaint village served as a harbor for weary travelers seeking rest.
The library became a harbor for students looking to escape the chaos of campus life.
The community center acted as a harbor for those in need of support and resources.
to harbor
품다, 간직하다
to maintain thoughts, feelings, or emotions, often over time
Transitive: to harbor a thought or feeling
He still harbors resentment toward his former business partner.
She harbored doubts about the project ’s success from the very beginning.
Despite everything, he continued to harbor feelings of guilt over the incident.
피신처를 제공하다, 안식처를 제공하다
to provide a safe place for a person
Transitive: to harbor sb
During the storm, the family harbored several stranded travelers overnight.
She was arrested for harboring a known criminal in her home.
The kind villagers harbored refugees escaping the conflict.
품다, 숨기다
to serve as a habitat or protective environment for a living organism
Transitive: to harbor an organism
The old tree harbors countless species of birds and insects.
Coral reefs harbor diverse marine life, including fish, crustaceans, and mollusks.
The cave harbored colonies of bats throughout the year.
Wild animals can harbor pathogens that pose risks to human health.
The infected patient unknowingly harbored the flu virus for days before showing symptoms.
Some animals harbor diseases that can be transmitted to humans.
품다, 내포하다
to hold or possess something within
Transitive: to harbor sth
The old chest harbored a collection of ancient artifacts.
The software platform is designed to harbor a vast amount of data.
The museum harbors an extensive collection of ancient artifacts spanning various civilizations.
The captain ordered the crew to harbor in the nearest port for the night.
The fishing boat harbored in the small coastal town after a long journey at sea.
As the storm worsened, they decided to harbor in a safe bay.
서식하다, 서식지로 삼다
(of an organism) to live within another living organism as a host
Intransitive: to harbor somewhere
The parasite harbors within the intestines of its host, feeding off nutrients.
Viruses can harbor in the cells of their hosts for long periods without detection.
Some bacteria harbor within animals before infecting humans.