to discharge
bebas, membebaskan
to free or release someone from legal or official confinement
Transitive: to discharge sb
The judge decided to discharge the defendant due to insufficient evidence, clearing them of all charges.
Hakim memutuskan untuk membebaskan terdakwa karena kurangnya bukti, membebaskan mereka dari semua tuduhan.
After serving their full sentence, the prison authorities discharged the inmate and escorted them to freedom.
Setelah menjalani hukuman penuh mereka, pihak penjara membebaskan narapidana dan menganter mereka ke kebebasan.
menembakkan, melepaskan
(of a firearm) to release a projectile or burst of energy when triggered
The rifle discharged with a loud bang, echoing through the forest.
Senapan menembakkan dengan suara keras, bergema di hutan.
Despite being well-trained, the soldier 's weapon discharged prematurely during the skirmish.
Meskipun terlatih dengan baik, senjata tentara tersebut menembakkan secara prematur selama baku tembak.
memberhentikan, mengeluarkan
to make someone leave the armed forces or police and relieving them from their duties
Transitive: to discharge a member of armed forces
After completing their tour of duty, the soldier was honorably discharged from the military.
Due to a medical condition, the servicemember was medically discharged from the Navy.
memulangkan, mengizinkan keluar
to allow a patient to leave the hospital because they have recovered and no longer need to receive inpatient care
Transitive: to discharge a patient
The doctor discharged the patient from the hospital after a successful surgery and confirmed recovery.
The medical team decided to discharge the elderly patient to free up a bed for more critical cases.
menjalankan, melaksanakan
to carry out or complete all necessary tasks or obligations associated with a duty or responsibility
Transitive: to discharge a task or obligation
The diligent employee discharged her responsibilities with precision and efficiency.
Despite facing numerous challenges, he discharged his duties as project manager.
mengeluarkan, melepaskan
to give off or release a substance like gas or liquid
Transitive: to discharge a substance
The factory was fined for discharging pollutants into the river, causing environmental damage.
The volcano discharged ash and lava during the eruption, covering the surrounding area.
mengalirkan, melepaskan
to remove or neutralize the electric charge from an object
Transitive: to discharge an electric charge
The lightning rod on the building 's rooftop is designed to discharge any buildup of static electricity
The power plant discharged excess energy into the grid during periods of low demand.
membebaskan, melepaskan
to free or release someone from a contractual or legal obligation
Transitive: to discharge sb from a contractual or legal obligation
The court ordered the landlord to discharge the tenant from the lease agreement due to breach of contract.
After completing the agreed-upon terms, the contractor was discharged from their obligations to renovate the building.
menembakkan, melepaskan peluru
to release a projectile from a firearm
Transitive: to discharge a firearm
The soldier carefully aimed before discharging his rifle, hitting the target with precision.
The hunter discharged his shotgun, bringing down the bird in a single shot.
membongkar, menurunkan
to drop or unload goods or passengers from a vessel onto land or another mode of transportation
Transitive: to discharge goods or passengers
As the vessel reached the harbor, the crew prepared to discharge the cargo.
The bustling port echoed with the sounds of cranes and machinery as they discharged the containers from the cargo ship.
mengeluarkan, merembeskan
(of a wound or body part) to slowly release an infectious liquid, called pus
Transitive: to discharge pus
The infected cut on his arm started to discharge pus, causing him considerable discomfort.
The doctor carefully cleaned and dressed the wound to prevent it from discharging any pus.
pembebasan energi, pelepasan energi
the sudden giving off of energy
pembuangan, pengeluaran
the act of venting
pengosongan, pemulangan
electrical conduction through a gas in an applied electric field
pengeluaran, pembuangan
any of several bodily processes by which substances go out of the body
pembuangan, emisi
a substance that is emitted or released
penembakan, lepas tembakan
the act of discharging a gun
pemecatan, pengunduran diri
the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)
pernyataan pengunduran diri, surat pelepasan
a formal written statement of relinquishment
pembuangan, cairan yang keluar
the pouring forth of a fluid

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