यात्रा, सफर
a journey that you take for fun or a particular reason, generally for a short amount of time
The family planned a trip to the beach for their summer vacation.
He packed his bags for a week-long business trip to attend a conference.
They decided to take a day trip to explore the nearby national park.
ठोकर, लडखड़ाना
an accidental misstep threatening (or causing) a fall
चूक, गलती
an unintentional but embarrassing blunder
चाल, कदम
a light or nimble tread
स्विच तंत्र, कैच मेकानिज़्म
a catch mechanism that acts as a switch
सफर, सड़क यात्रा
an exciting or stimulating experience
ड्रग द्वारा प्रेरित अनुभव, मादक द्रव्यों का अनुभव
a hallucinatory experience induced by drugs
to trip
लड़खड़ाना, ठोकर खाना
to slip or hit something with the foot accidentally that makes one fall or lose balance momentarily
She did n't notice the small step and tripped as she entered the dark room.
Hiking in the woods, he tripped over a tree root hidden beneath the fallen leaves.
Carrying a stack of books, he tripped on the rug and scattered the books across the floor.
नशा करना, दवा लेने से अनुभव करना
to experience a powerful and sometimes unusual change in one's thoughts, feelings, and perceptions as a result of taking drugs such as LSD or magic mushrooms
Transitive: to trip on drugs
He tripped on mushrooms and found himself immersed in a surreal world of visuals and sensations.
She tripped on acid and had a profound and mind-altering experience.
They tripped on LSD and spent the night exploring the depths of their own minds.
चालू करना, सक्रिय करना
to cause a mechanism or device to operate, often by pushing a button, switch, or triggering a specific action
Transitive: to trip a switch or mechanism
To start the engine, you need to trip the ignition switch by turning the key.
To turn on the lights, simply trip the switch located near the door.
In case of an emergency, passengers can trip the alarm to alert the train conductor.
ठोकर देना, लड़खड़ाना
to cause someone to lose their balance and stumble or fall
Transitive: to trip sb
He extended his foot to trip his friend during the friendly race, causing a burst of laughter.
The mischievous child attempted to trip his sibling by placing toys in their path.
Carelessly placed cables on the floor can trip unsuspecting individuals and lead to accidents.
यात्रा करना, दौरा करना
to go on a brief journey or excursion, either for leisure or a specific purpose
Intransitive: to trip somewhere
We decided to trip to the beach for the weekend to enjoy the sun and surf.
The family planned to trip to the mountains to experience the beauty of nature.
She loves to trip to nearby towns to explore their local markets and cultural attractions.
बिखरना, मानसिक संतुलन खोना
to act irrationally, often due to being confused, overly emotional, or in an altered state
She trips when she ’s under pressure.
He ’s tripping over nothing right now.
They tripped out during the meeting yesterday.

निकटवर्ती शब्द