to lash
कोड़े मारना, डंडा मारना
to harshly beat someone using a whip or rod
Transitive: to lash sb
The cruel taskmaster would lash the slaves for the slightest mistakes.
In ancient times, criminals were often lashed as a form of punishment.
The oppressive ruler ordered the guards to lash the prisoner for disobedience.
बांधना, लपेटना
to tie or secure something using a rope, chain, etc.
Transitive: to lash two or more things | to lash sth to an immobile object
He lashed the boxes together with a sturdy rope for easier transportation.
The sailor lashed the cargo to the deck to prevent it from shifting during the storm.
She lashed the tent poles tightly with cords to ensure stability in the wind.
फुफकारना, मारना
(of a natural force) to strike or whip forcefully against an object
Transitive: to lash sth
The wind lashed the sails of the ship, propelling it forward with great speed.
The storm lashed the coastline, causing erosion and damage to beachfront properties.
The storm lashed the windows of the old house, rattling the panes with its fury.
फड़फड़ाना, लहराना
(of an animal) to swiftly and violently move a part of its body, particularly the tail
Transitive: to lash a part of the body
The cat lashed its tail angrily when approached by the unfamiliar dog.
Watching the fisherman bait his hook, the fish lashed its tail in the water, eager to escape capture.
The lion lashed its tail in excitement before springing forward to capture its prey.
पलक का बाल, लैश
any of the short curved hairs that grow from the edges of the eyelids
लाठी, कोड़े की मार
a quick blow delivered with a whip or whiplike object
चमड़े की पट्टी, लाश
leather strip that forms the flexible part of a whip

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