to warm up
[phrase form: warm]
to prepare one's body for exercising or playing sports with gentle stretches and exercises
The athletes spent time warming up, ensuring their bodies were ready for the competition.
Warming up is essential to prevent injuries during physical activity.
They warmed up together as a group before the dance rehearsal.
The sun gradually warmed up the chilly outdoor seating area.
I'll warm the towels up for you in the dryer.
Can you warm the room up a bit?
to make already cooked food warm again
Transitive: to warm up cooked food
I'll warm the leftovers up in the microwave for lunch.
Can you warm the soup up on the stove for dinner?
He forgot to warm up the lasagna before serving it to guests.
to do exercises or activities to get one's body, voice, or mind ready for something, like a workout or a performance
Transitive: to warm up one's body, voice, or mind
The pianist likes to warm up her fingers on the keys before a recital.
It's essential to warm up your muscles before attempting any strenuous physical activity.
The singer warmed up her voice with scales before the performance.
to become prepared or ready for an activity, performance, or event
The performers warmed up backstage before the show.
The singers warmed up with vocal exercises.
The group warmed up with a quick brainstorming session before the presentation.
to become more approachable and friendly
Intransitive: to warm up to sb/sth
Sometimes, a simple gesture of kindness is all it takes for people to warm up to each other.
The workshop facilitator employed interactive exercises to help participants warm up to sharing their experiences.
With time, the reserved team member began to warm up to the collaborative spirit of the group.
to get something ready for use by bringing it to its usual operating temperature
Transitive: to warm up a device or engine
Can you warm the oven up before we start baking?
The mechanic warmed the car engine up before the long drive.
Warm up
performing mild exercises to prepare for some more strenuous activity
(used conventionally of royalty and high nobility) gracious

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