کتک زدن, زدن
شکست دادن, غلبه کردن
هم زدن, مخلوط کردن
مکرراً زدن
شکل دادن, تراشیدن، چکش زدن
تولید ریتم کردن
مخالف باد حرکت کردن (کشتی)
بال زدن
محکم برخورد کردن, کوبیدن
شکار را از لانه خود بیرون کشیدن
شکل دادن (با استفاده مکرر)
ریتم دادن
بال زدن
تولید ریتم کردن (با ضربات کنترلشده و مکرر)
ضربان داشتن
صدای تیک تاک ساعت دادن
فائق آمدن, پیروز شدن
از نفس انداختن, خسته کردن
گیج کردن
غلبه کردن
ضربآهنگ, ریتم، ضرب
What is a "beat"?
In music or poetry, a beat is the basic rhythmic pulse that underlies the piece. It is the regular, recurring accent or emphasis that gives the music or poem its rhythm and helps to structure the flow. In music, beats are the foundation for creating rhythm patterns and are often felt as the steady thump or pulse that listeners can tap their feet to. In poetry, the beat helps to establish the flow and rhythm of the verses, contributing to the overall musicality of the language.
نبض, ضربان
شیفت کاری (پلیس)
فرد گیاهخوار
در جهت مخالف باد رفتن
صدای ضربه
ضرب (موسیقی)
What is a "beat"?
A beat is the basic unit of time in music, representing the regular, steady pulse that underlies a piece. It is the rhythmical foundation that musicians use to keep time and organize musical elements. Beats are often felt as the strong, consistent pulses that one taps their foot to while listening to music. They are divided into smaller units, such as notes and rests, to create rhythms and patterns within a measure. Beats help to structure the music and keep it moving in a coordinated way.
درنگ, وقفه
What is a "beat"?
In filmmaking and theater, a beat is a brief moment or pause in a scene where a character experiences a shift in emotion or thought. It is used to create tension, reveal underlying subtext, or advance the story. Beats help to emphasize important changes or reactions, adding depth to the character's experience and influencing the pacing of the narrative. They allow the audience to absorb and reflect on the character’s internal process.