to make out
[phrase form: make]
φιλιούνται, ακολουθούν ερωτικές περιπτύξεις
to kiss and touch someone in a sexual manner
The couple could n't keep their hands off each other and made out on the couch all night.
They decided to make out on the beach under the moonlight.
The two friends started making out at the party and ended up dating.
καταλαβαίνω, διακρίνω
to understand something, often with effort
Transitive: to make out sth
How did you make out the answer to that riddle?
I could n't quite make out the reason for her sudden behavior.
Can you help me make out what's driving him to behave this way?
διακρίνω, αναγνωρίζω
to recognize or distinguish something despite poor visibility
Transitive: to make out a shape
I could barely make out the words on the page.
The distant mountain was difficult to make out through the haze.
I peered into the darkness, but I could n't make anything out.
καταλαβαίνω, όραμα
to comprehend someone's personality, intentions, or true nature
Transitive: to make out sb
I could n't make him out at first, but I eventually realized he's just shy.
She's a complex person, and it takes time to make her out.
I'm not sure I'll ever fully make him out, but I'm intrigued by him.
διακρίνω, κατανοώ
to be able to hear and understand something, often when it is difficult to do so
Transitive: to make out a sound
He spoke so softly that I could not make out his words.
Can you make out the lyrics to this song?
The shouting from the other room was too muffled to make out.
συμπληρώνω, καταχωρώ
to complete a written document with the required information
Transitive: to make out a document
The company made a check out to the vendor.
The doctor made out a prescription for pain medication.
I need to make out a check for my rent payment.
τα καταφέρω, πετυχαίνω
to achieve or accomplish something despite having limited resources or facing challenges
Intransitive: to make out | to make out with a task or situation
Despite the challenges, I ’m sure you ’ll make out in the new job.
He ’s been able to make out in a tough situation by staying calm and focused.
He did n’t expect to make out with his presentation, but it was a success.
τα καταφέρει, περνάει καλά
to succeed or manage in a situation, often when facing difficulty or uncertainty
Intransitive: to make out in a specific manner
How did John make out in the job interview?
I 'm not sure how she 's making out financially after her divorce.
I wonder how the new restaurant is making out.
μασκαρεύω, παρουσιάζω
to claim or portray something as true, even if it is not
Transitive: to make out to do sth
Ditransitive: to make out oneself to do sth
The company is making out to be profitable, but I'm not sure that's true.
He's making himself out to be a war hero, but he's actually a fraud.
She's making out to be an expert, but she does n't know anything about the subject.
αποδεικνύω, ισχυρίζομαι
to present evidence or arguments in support of a claim or belief
Transitive: to make out that | to make out sth
The lawyer tried to make out that the defendant was innocent.
The company tried to make out that its products were superior to its competitors'.
The politician tried to make out that they were a strong leader.
φιλιέμαι (fi-li-ém-a), αγκαλιάζω (an-ga-lia-zó)
to engage in sexual intercourse with someone, often in a romantic or casual manner
The friends decided to make out after a night of drinking.
They made out in the bedroom after the party.
The couple made out after deciding to take their relationship to the next level.

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