to revolt
šokovat, odradit
to cause strong disgust or offense to someone's morals
Transitive: to revolt sb
His sexist remarks revolted the entire audience.
The corrupt practices of the government revolted the citizens.
The sight of animal cruelty revolted the animal rights activists.
odpuzovat, odporovat
to make someone feel extreme disgust or repulsion
Transitive: to revolt sb
The thought of eating insects revolts many people.
The smell from the dumpster revolted everyone nearby.
The sight of moldy bread revolts me.
The people decided to revolt against the oppressive government, seeking a complete overhaul of the system.
Throughout history, communities have revolted to overthrow tyrannical rulers and establish new forms of governance.
The revolutionaries meticulously planned how to revolt against the existing regime.
povstání, vzpoura
a rebellion or uprising, often involving violence, by a group of people against an authority or ruling power
The revolt against the oppressive regime lasted for months.
The peasants ' revolt was brutally suppressed by the authorities.
History is filled with stories of revolts and uprisings.

Blízká Slova