to hit
ضرب, أصاب
to strike someone or something with force using one's hand or an object
Transitive: to hit sb/sth
I accidentally hit my thumb with the hammer.
The boxer hit his opponent with a powerful punch.
The teacher told the student not to hit his classmates.
أصاب, ضرب
(of a projectile or its shooter) to strike a target and cause injury or damage
Transitive: to hit a target
The cannonball hit the castle walls, creating a breach.
The sniper fired a shot and hit the enemy soldier.
During the battle, a stray bullet hit a civilian in the arm.
صدم, ضرب
to accidentally strike a part of our body against something
Transitive: to hit a part of one's body on sth | to hit a part of one's body against sth
Be careful not to hit your elbow on the doorframe.
He hit his shin against the coffee table and it hurt.
ضغط, ضغط على
to press or touch something such as a switch, button, or key in order to make a machine, device, etc. do a particular thing
Transitive: to hit a switch or button
As the car in front suddenly stopped, I had to hit the brakes to avoid a collision.
I hit the " send " button on my phone to text her.
Hit the switch to turn on the lights.
ضرب, اصطدم
to crash into someone or something causing injury or damage
Transitive: to hit sb/sth
The baseball hit the window and broke it.
The car hit the tree, but luckily no one was hurt.
The hailstorm hit the roof and caused some damage.
ضرب, اصطدم
to make a ball move by striking it with a stick, bat, etc.
Transitive: to hit a ball
She hit the tennis ball with a powerful forehand.
He hit the golf ball straight down the fairway.
I hit the baseball out of the park with that swing.
سجل, ضرب
to gain points in a sport by striking a ball
Transitive: to hit points
He hit a three-pointer from downtown.
The baseball player hit a home run, earning several runs for his team.
He hit a hole-in-one with his golf swing.
هجم, ضرب
to attack someone or something in order to rob or kill them
Transitive: to hit sb/sth
The gang decided to hit the rival mob's hideout at midnight.
The bank robbers hit the security guard as they fled the scene.
He was arrested for planning to hit a jewelry store.
تَوَصَّلَ, أَدْرَكَ
to realize something in a sudden way
Transitive: to hit sb
I was lost in thought, and then it suddenly hit me - today is my anniversary!
It hit her that we were running out of time to catch the train.
That 's when it really hit me that I had forgotten my wallet at home.
تعرض ل, واجه
to experience or encounter something, particularly something bad
Transitive: to hit an undesirable situation
Our team hit a setback during the project.
When he was hiking, he hit bad weather in the mountains.
The economy hit a recession last year.
أثر, أصاب
to affect someone or something, especially in a bad way
Transitive: to hit sb
Losing my job really hit me hard.
The news of the accident hit her like a ton of bricks.
Small businesses were hit particularly badly during the economic downturn.
وصل إلى, بلغ
to reach a specific point, level, or amount
Transitive: to hit a level or an amount
Inflation is expected to hit 5 % by the end of the year.
The stock market hit a new high last week.
The campaign aims to hit a million views on social media.
وصل إلى, بلغ
to get to or reach a particular place
Transitive: to hit a place
Keep walking straight, and you 'll hit the main street.
We hit the beach just in time to see the sunrise.
If you drive fast, you 'll hit the city before rush hour.
يصل إلى الأسواق, يتاح للبيع
to become largely available to be bought
Transitive: to hit a market
The highly anticipated novel by the famous author will hit the bookstores in a few days.
This exciting video game is hitting the market just in time for the holiday season.
The fashion brand 's latest collection will hit the shelves of your favorite boutiques soon.
أعجب, نال إعجاب
to satisfy or please greatly, often used to describe something that is very successful or well-received
That new restaurant really hit the spot!
His performance in the play hit all the right notes.
This song hits me every time I hear it.
ضربة ناجحة, عمل ناجح
something, such as a movie, play, song, etc. that is very popular and successful
Her first novel was a hit and sold millions of copies worldwide.
The artist 's exhibition was a hit, attracting thousands of visitors.
The comedian 's show on the streaming service is a surprising hit.
ضَرْبَة, نَجاح
(baseball) a successful stroke in an athletic contest (especially in baseball)
ضربة, نجاح كبير
someone or something that is extremely popular
The hit of the hammer on the nail drove it deep into the wood.
The boxer ’s powerful hit knocked his opponent down.
The hit of the car's bumper against the curb caused a loud noise.
ضغطة, زيارة
a connection made via the internet to another website
جرعة مخدر, ضربة مخدر
a dose of a narcotic drug
اصطدام, تأثير
(physics) a brief event in which two or more bodies come together
ضربة, ورقة إضافية
taking another card from the deck or discard pile, typically with the goal of improving one's hand or achieving a certain combination of cards
What is "hit"?
Hit is the act of drawing or receiving an additional card from the deck. This term is commonly used in games like Blackjack, where a player may ask for a hit to take another card in an attempt to improve their hand. The goal is to get closer to the target value, such as 21 in Blackjack, without exceeding it.

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