slå, träffa
träffa, slå
slå, stötte
trycka, slå
träffa, smälla på
slå, träffa
träffa, slå
slå, angripa
slå till, gå upp för
to experience or encounter something, particularly something bad
drabba, påverka
nå, uppnå
släppas, lanseras
träffa rätt, vara populär
hit, succé
träff, slag
hit, succé
träff, besök
dos, treff
kollision, träff
taking another card from the deck or discard pile, typically with the goal of improving one's hand or achieving a certain combination of cards
What is "hit"?
Hit is the act of drawing or receiving an additional card from the deck. This term is commonly used in games like Blackjack, where a player may ask for a hit to take another card in an attempt to improve their hand. The goal is to get closer to the target value, such as 21 in Blackjack, without exceeding it.