邮递, 邮件收集
邮政, 邮递服务
帖子, 发布
职位, 岗位
柱子, 杆
What is a "post"?
A post is a vertical, often sturdy, structure used to support or anchor something, such as a fence, sign, or a piece of equipment. Posts can be made from materials like wood, metal, or concrete and are typically driven into the ground or secured in place. They are used in various applications, from holding up fences or gates to providing support for structures like pergolas or flagpoles. Posts are an essential component in many construction and outdoor projects, offering stability and strength to the objects they support.
岗位, 职务
哨所, 部队
哨所, 位置
邮政, 邮件
邮递员, 邮政
杆, 起点
柱, 支柱
后期制作, 发布
帖子, 文章
Post (美国早餐谷物制造商), Post (美国早餐谷物品牌)
发布, 贴文
邮寄, 发送
发布, 展示
派遣, 指派
指派, 派驻
公开指责, 揭露
上下起伏, 骑马的节奏
记录, 转移
公布, 登记
之后, 在...之后