تلاش کریں
to come to
[phrase form: come]
ہوش میں آنا, بیدار ہونا
to regain consciousness or awaken after being unconscious or asleep
After fainting, she slowly came to and found herself lying on the floor.
He was knocked out in the boxing match but eventually came to in the locker room.
The patient was under anesthesia during the surgery and took some time to come to afterwards.
یاد آنا, اچانک سمجھ آنا
to suddenly become aware of something that one did not notice before, or that one had forgotten about
As I was walking, it suddenly came to me that I had left my keys at home.
After hours of searching, the answer finally came to me in a moment of clarity.
I was reading an old book when a memory from my childhood came to me.
The expenses for the trip came to $ 500, including accommodation and transportation.
After calculating the bills, the total amount came to $ 250.
The cost of the repairs came to more than expected due to additional damages.
پہنچنا, نتیجہ پر پہنچنا
to reach a conclusion or make a choice after careful consideration and evaluation of various options or possibilities
After hours of debate, the committee finally came to a unanimous decision.
The parties involved in the dispute came to a settlement outside of court.
The team members had different opinions, but they eventually came to a consensus.
آنا, محسوس ہونا
to start experiencing or having a specific feeling or realization
As she listened to the speaker, a sense of inspiration came to her.
After hearing the news, a feeling of excitement came to him.
It took a while, but eventually, a sense of peace came to her after the loss.
تک پہنچنا, تک آنا
to reach or attain a specific state or condition
After years of hard work, the company finally came to a profitable state.
The negotiations between the two parties came to a peaceful resolution.
The storm caused significant damage, and the city came to a state of disarray.