to get rid of waste material, particularly in an unorganized manner
to end a relationship that one was romantically involved in, often in a way that is unexpected or unfair
knocka ner, slå ner
dumpa, släppa ner
to fall or drop suddenly
dumpa, avyttra
a place where supplies can be stored
dump, avbildning
skit, dump
(volleyball) an unexpected hit by the setter over the net instead of setting it to a teammate
What is a "dump"?
A dump in volleyball is when the setter, instead of passing the ball to a teammate, quickly pushes or tips the ball over the net themselves to catch the opposing team off guard. The setter often uses a dump when the other team is expecting a pass or set to a hitter, making it harder for the defenders to block or return the ball. A successful dump requires good timing and the ability to deceive the opposing team into thinking a regular set is coming.