to dump
jeter, décharger
to get rid of waste material, particularly in an unorganized manner
Transitive: to dump waste
Instead of recycling, some businesses opt to dump electronic waste in landfills.
Some people unfortunately choose to dump household waste in the woods instead of using proper disposal methods.
The authorities installed surveillance cameras to catch those who dump garbage along the roadside.
quitter, lâcher
to end a relationship that one was romantically involved in, often in a way that is unexpected or unfair
Transitive: to dump one's partner
After months of dating, Sarah was shocked when her boyfriend suddenly decided to dump her via text message.
Tom chose to dump his girlfriend without warning, leaving her devastated and questioning their entire relationship.
Emily felt betrayed when her partner chose to dump her for someone else.
renverser, écraser
to knock down or defeat someone
Transitive: to dump an opponent
He dumped his opponent in the final round of the match with a quick move.
She dumped him in the fight, landing a powerful punch to end it.
The boxer dumped his challenger with a strong right hook.
déverser, jeter
to place something down in a rough, careless, or abrupt manner
Transitive: to dump sth somewhere
He dumped his bag on the floor and sat down at the table.
She dumped the books onto the desk without bothering to organize them.
The worker dumped the boxes of supplies in the corner of the room.
tomber, chuter
to fall or drop suddenly
Intransitive: to dump somewhere
The car dumped into the ditch after the driver lost control on the icy road.
The box dumped onto the floor when it was knocked over.
He dumped into the pool with a loud splash after jumping from the edge.
vider, déverser
to export goods that are difficult to sell domestically by selling them at a lower price
Transitive: to dump products
The company decided to dump its excess stock in overseas markets to clear space.
They began dumping cheap electronics in foreign countries to recover some costs.
The manufacturer was accused of dumping low-quality products in developing markets.
décharge, entrepôt
a place where supplies can be stored
vidage, dump
(computer science) a copy of the contents of a computer storage device; sometimes used in debugging programs
déjection, crottes
a coarse term for defecation
une attaque surprise, un coup de filet
(volleyball) an unexpected hit by the setter over the net instead of setting it to a teammate
What is a "dump"?
A dump in volleyball is when the setter, instead of passing the ball to a teammate, quickly pushes or tips the ball over the net themselves to catch the opposing team off guard. The setter often uses a dump when the other team is expecting a pass or set to a hitter, making it harder for the defenders to block or return the ball. A successful dump requires good timing and the ability to deceive the opposing team into thinking a regular set is coming.
The setter scored with a clever dump.
She surprised the defense with a quick dump.
His dump caught the opponents off guard.