отменить, забросить
царапать, скрести
царапать, царапнуть
зарабатывать тяжело, царапать
зачеркнуть, вычеркнуть
царапать, соскоблить
What is a "scratch"?
A scratch is a small, shallow cut or scrape on the skin, often caused by something sharp like a fingernail, thorn, or rough surface. Scratches usually result in minor bleeding and can cause a stinging sensation. They are generally not serious and heal quickly with basic care, such as cleaning the area with soap and water, and possibly applying a disinfectant and a bandage to keep it clean and protected while it heals.
бабки, деньги
царапина, порча
каракули, неразборчивый почерк
царапанье, скрежет
смешанный корм для птицы, сухая смесь для птицы
стартовая линия, пометка старта
снятый, отказавшийся
Who is a "scratch"?
A scratch is a competitor who withdraws from a race or competition before it begins. This can happen for various reasons, such as injury, illness, or a change in circumstances that prevents them from participating. When someone scratches, they are no longer part of the event, and their spot is typically left empty or given to another competitor.
царапина, царапка
гольфист нулевого уровня, гольфист с нулевым гандикапом