arañar, rayar
rascar, arañar
cancelar, abandonar
rasguñar, raspar
rasguñar, arañar
rascar, ganar dinero duro
tachar, rasurar
rasguñar, arañar
arañazo, rasguño
What is a "scratch"?
A scratch is a small, shallow cut or scrape on the skin, often caused by something sharp like a fingernail, thorn, or rough surface. Scratches usually result in minor bleeding and can cause a stinging sensation. They are generally not serious and heal quickly with basic care, such as cleaning the area with soap and water, and possibly applying a disinfectant and a bandage to keep it clean and protected while it heals.
rasguño, arañazo
garabato, escritura ilegible
rasguño, raspido
mezcla para aves, pasta seca para aves
línea de salida, marca de salida
descalificado, dado de baja
rasguño, arañazo
golfista scratch, golfista de handicap cero