to place
ставить, класть
to lay or put something somewhere
Transitive: to place sth somewhere
She decided to place the vase of flowers on the dining table as a centerpiece.
The cat likes to place itself near the window to bask in the sunlight.
Please place your keys on the designated hook by the entrance.
ранжировать, размещать
to assign a rank, position, or category based on an assessment, comparison, or standard
Complex Transitive: to place sb/sth [adj] | to place sb/sth at a rank
The judges placed him third in the competition due to his impressive performance.
The company ’s latest smartphone was placed at the top of the rankings for battery life.
The committee placed the candidate at the top of their list due to his exceptional qualifications.
разместить, поместить
to guide or position an object or individual to a specific location or position
Transitive: to place sth somewhere
The coach instructed the players to place their shots in the upper left corner of the goal during practice.
The firefighter placed the nozzle directly at the base of the flames to extinguish the fire more effectively.
The trainer instructed the archers to place their arrows in the center of the target during the tournament.
инвестировать, вкладывать
to commit financial resources in a particular venture or opportunity
Transitive: to place financial resources in a venture
The investor decided to place a substantial amount of money in the stock market.
He placed his savings in a high-yield investment fund to secure future returns.
They placed a significant portion of their wealth in real estate properties.
разместить, поместить
to put or cause someone to be in a particular position or location, especially for a specific purpose or function
Complex Transitive: to place sb/sth on a state | to place sb/sth under a state
The manager placed the new employees on probation until they completed their training.
The judge placed the witness under oath before they testified in court.
The company placed the project on hold until additional funding could be secured.
Despite starting at the back of the pack, she managed to place third in the marathon.
The horse raced well and eventually placed first in the Kentucky Derby.
The cyclist struggled with the uphill sections but managed to place second in the Tour de France.
разместить, поставить
to arrange or execute an order, bet, reservation, or similar commitment
Transitive: to place an order or commitment
She placed a bet on the favorite horse to win the race at the upcoming derby.
The customer placed an order for a custom-made suit with the tailor, specifying the fabric and style.
He placed a reservation at the five-star restaurant for his anniversary dinner with his wife.
оценивать, ранжировать
to evaluate or rank something based on importance or priority
Complex Transitive: to place sth above sth | to place sth over sth
Many corporations place shareholder returns over employee well-being.
Some politicians place popularity over principles in their policy decisions.
As a teacher, she places student engagement and understanding above standardized test scores.
узнать, опознать
to recognize and recall individuals, objects, or information
Transitive: to place sb/sth
Despite not seeing each other for years, I was able to place her immediately when she walked into the room.
Even with the passage of time, she could still place the melody from her childhood.
He could n't place the name of the song, but the tune sounded vaguely familiar.
присвоить, установить
to assign a value to something
Transitive: to place a value or rate at a specific number
The appraiser placed the value of the antique vase at around $ 5000.
The meteorologist placed the likelihood of rain tomorrow at 60 %.
The statistician placed the margin of error for the survey at plus or minus 3 %.
разместить, назначить
to arrange or secure a suitable living situation or job opportunity for someone
Transitive: to place sb in a position or situation
The employment agency placed the recent graduate in a marketing position at a reputable company.
After months of searching, she was finally placed in a managerial role at a multinational corporation.
The vocational training program aims to place participants in gainful employment upon completion.
размещать, настраивать
to produce a sound that aligns accurately with the intended musical tone
Transitive: to place a note
During vocal training, students are taught techniques to help them place notes accurately.
The soprano effortlessly placed each high note, captivating the audience with her pitch.
The conductor works closely with the orchestra to ensure they place every note in accordance with the score.
назначить, определить
to assign or designate someone to a particular role or position of authority
Transitive: to place sb as a role or position
The board of directors decided to place Sarah as the new CEO of the company.
The university administration placed Professor Thompson as the head of the Physics Department.
The mayor placed John as the city's new chief of police.
занять второе место, выполнить на втором месте
to finish in the second position in a competitive event
The soccer team placed in the district tournament, advancing to the regional championships.
The gymnast placed in the all-around competition, showcasing her versatility and skill.
The chess prodigy consistently places in national competitions.
место, площадка
the part of space where someone or something is or they should be
I want to find a new place to eat dinner tonight.
I 'm excited to explore new places on my vacation.
I 'm looking for a quiet place to study.
место, локация
a specific location on the earth's surface, often used in mapping
место, жилище
a residence or dwelling where individuals or families live and consider as their personal and familiar space of comfort, belonging, and refuge
место, сиденье
a space reserved for sitting (as in a theater or on a train or airplane)
площадь, общественное пространство
a public square with room for pedestrians
место, локация
any area set aside for a particular purpose
место, позиция
an abstract mental location
место, район
a general vicinity
должность, место
the post or function properly or customarily occupied or served by another
ситуация, место
a particular situation
должность, место
a job in an organization
отрывок, фрагмент
the passage that is being read
пустое пространство, зона
a blank area
элемент, позиция
an item on a list or in a sequence
место, позиция
proper or appropriate position or location
площадь, место
a small street or a square in a town, often with houses around it
They live in a quiet place near the center of the city.
The new bakery is located on the corner of the place.
Children were playing happily in the place after school.

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