What is a "gesture"?
A gesture is a form of nonverbal communication that involves using physical movements of the body, particularly the hands and arms, to convey messages or express feelings. Gestures can include a wide range of actions, such as waving, pointing, or making specific hand shapes. They often enhance verbal communication by providing additional context or emphasis to spoken words. Gestures can also convey meanings on their own, serving as a complete message in situations where verbal communication may not be possible or appropriate. The meanings of gestures can vary significantly across cultures, making them an important aspect of social interaction and communication.
gest, znak
the use of movements (especially of the hands) to communicate familiar or prearranged signals
gest, sygnał
something done as an indication of intention
to gesture
gestykulować, robić gesty
to express a meaning with a movement of the hands, face, head, etc.
Ditransitive: to gesture for sb to do sth
She gestured towards the exit to indicate where the meeting would take place.
The teacher gestured for the students to quiet down before starting the lesson.
During the negotiation, they gestured towards the proposed terms on the whiteboard.

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