to break down
[phrase form: break]
zepsuć się, awaria
(of a machine or vehicle) to stop working as a result of a malfunction
The machinery broke down during the production process, leading to delays.
The old refrigerator broke down, and we had to replace it.
The printer suddenly broke down, causing a delay in printing documents.
załamać się, poderwać się
to lose control and start crying
The news of the loss caused her to break down in sorrow.
Witnessing the accident caused the bystander to break down.
After the intense situation, he broke down and could n't stop crying.
zburzyć, rozebrać
to make something crumble and fall apart
The workers broke down the old building for renovation.
The earthquake caused the old bridge to break down.
The weight of the snow caused the roof to break down under the pressure.
zawalić się, załamać się
(of a relationship, negotiation, etc.) to fail to function properly
The negotiations broke down after hours of intense debate.
The relationship broke down under the pressure of constant arguments.
The trust between the two friends broke down after one of them betrayed a confidence.
załamać się, dosłownie się załamać
to experience a sudden and significant decline in physical health, often due to stress, illness, or a sudden emotional shock
The athlete broke down after running a marathon.
Witnessing the accident was too much for her, and she broke down, fainting at the scene.
The passenger on the crowded train broke down due to a combination of heat and lack of air.
rozbić, przełamać
to destroy a barrier by force
The demolition crew used explosives to break down the old factory's entrance.
In some situations, firefighters use an axe to break down doors during rescues.
The team had to break down the entrance quickly to respond to the emergency.
rozbić na mniejsze części, analizować szczegółowo
(in mathematics, chemistry, or grammar) to break into smaller parts or components, especially for a detailed analysis or examination
Can you break the complex process down for better understanding?
The researcher broke the theory down into its fundamental principles.
The scientist broke the experiment down into key variables.
rozłożyć, dekomponować
to turn a substance into smaller components through chemical reactions
The chemical reaction will break down the pollutant into safer components.
The heat from the reaction helps break down the complex molecules.
Overexposure to sunlight can break down certain chemicals in paint.
rozkładać, trawić
to process food in the digestive system and transform it into nutrients
The digestive enzymes help break proteins down into amino acids.
He ca n't break down lactose, so he avoids dairy products.
The stomach acid helps to break down food into smaller particles.

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