He had a collection of toys and loved pretending they were alive.
I gave my little brother a toy for his birthday.
She is playing with her favorite toy, a stuffed teddy bear.
speelgoed, miniatuur hond
any of several breeds of very small dogs kept purely as pets
speelgoed, miniatuur
a copy that reproduces a person or thing in greatly reduced size
speelgoed, model
a nonfunctional replica of something else (frequently used as a modifier)
speelgoed, speelding
a device regarded as providing amusement
to toy
stoeien met, spelen met
to play with or handle something in a restless or idle manner, often with slight, repetitive movements
Transitive: to toy with sth
The child sat quietly, content to toy with the small puzzle pieces in his hands.
During the meeting, he could n't help but toy with the pen, clicking it open and closed repeatedly.
Unable to concentrate, she began to toy with her necklace during the long lecture.
spelen met, frutsen aan
to consider or engage in an idea or activity casually or without firm commitment
Transitive: to toy with an idea or activity
She toyed with the idea of quitting her job and traveling the world.
They toyed with the possibility of renovating their home but could n't agree on a budget.
She's been toying with the concept of writing a book but has n't made any progress yet.
spelen met, knoeien met
to play with someone's emotions or affections without genuine commitment or sincerity
Transitive: to toy with someone or their emotions
He's been toying with her for months, never committing to a serious relationship.
She felt hurt when she realized he was just toying with her heart.
He enjoys toying with women's feelings, leading them on and then disappearing when things get serious.

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