to tear out
[phrase form: tear]
찢다, 제거하다
to forcefully split or remove something from their place or position, often through pulling or ripping
The gardener had to tear out the invasive weeds from the flower bed.
The protesters attempted to tear out the controversial sign from the ground.
He angrily tore the faulty component out of the machinery.
찢다, 뽑아내다
to forcefully and suddenly remove someone or something from a state of mind, normalcy, inactivity, etc.
The harsh criticism tore him out of his delusions of grandeur.
The sudden phone call tore her out of her peaceful reverie.
The tragic event tore the community out of its sense of normalcy.
허겁지겁 나가다, 갑자기 빠져 나가다
to depart quickly and suddenly from a location or situation
After the argument, he tore out of the room and slammed the door behind him.
She tore out of the gate and sprinted towards the finish line.
Upon hearing the bad news, she tore out of the house without saying a word.
강제로 이야기하게 하다, 진실을 끌어내다
to force someone to talk or reveal something against their will
He tried to tear out the truth from her about what happened, but she refused to talk.
The persistent reporter tore out valuable insights from the reticent interviewee.
The investigator managed to tear out a confession from the apprehended criminal.
잡아당기다, 덜어내다
to suddenly remove someone from somewhere or something by force
He was torn out of his family by social services.
The police tore the suspect out of his car and slammed him on the ground.
the coach tore the player out of the game angrily.