短い, 低い
不足している, 乏しい
不足している, 短い
もろい, サブレ状
短期の, 短い
短い, 短音の
ショート, ショートポジション
What is a "short"?
A short is a type of alcoholic drink made from a spirit, a mixer, and a garnish. It is usually served in a short glass, such as a rocks glass or a highball glass. A short typically consists of a spirit, such as vodka, gin, rum, or whiskey, a mixer, such as soda water, tonic water, or juice, and a garnish, such as a lime wedge or an orange slice. A short is usually served chilled or over ice, and is popular in many countries around the world. It can also be used to make a variety of cocktails, such as the Moscow Mule, the Gin and Tonic, and the Whiskey Sour.
ショート, ショートストップ
ショート, ショート回路
短編映画, ショートフィルム
突然, いきなり
短く, はっきりと
予想外に, 準備不足で
突然, 急に
ショートさせる, 短絡する
ショートする, 減らす