cocok, sejalan dengan
sesuai, cocok
mencocokkan, menyesuaikan
menyelaraskan, memadukan
sebanding dengan, menyamai
sesuai, menyamakan
mencocokkan, menyandingkan
menyatukan, memadukan
pertandingan, laga
What is a "match"?
A match is a contest or game between two teams or individual players, where they compete against each other according to the rules of a specific sport. The objective is usually to score more points, goals, or runs than the opponent within a set period of time or through a series of rounds. Matches are a fundamental part of organized sports and can take place in various settings, such as tournaments, leagues, or friendly games. The winner is determined based on who performs better in the game.
pasangan, serasi
padanan, kecocokan
pasangan, jodoh
salinan, duplikat
kawan, sejawat
skor pertandingan, angka kemenangan