all hands on deck
used for saying that everyone's assistance is needed for a situation, particularly a difficult one
What is the origin of the idiom "all hands on deck" and when to use it?
The phrase "all hands on deck" originated in the context of sailing ships. When a ship was in a crisis or an emergency, the captain would call for "all hands on deck," meaning that every member of the crew was needed to help. It is now used more broadly to mean that everyone is needed to help with a task or situation. It is often used in a work or business context.
If there's a fire in the building, we need all hands on deck to evacuate everyone safely.
The coach called for all hands on deck during the final minutes of the game, hoping to turn the score around.
We have a big project due tomorrow, so we need all hands on deck to get it done.
all hands on deck
Όλοι στη δουλειά!, Όλοι χέρι χέρι!
used as an urgent call to action, signaling that everyone's assistance, involvement, or participation is needed
There's been a security breach.
All hands on deck, team!
We have relatives coming over for dinner tonight.