to gather
sich versammeln, sammeln
to come together in a place, typically for a specific purpose or activity
Every Sunday, the family gathers for a meal at Grandma's house.
As the evening progresses, friends gather at the local cafe for coffee.
People gather in the town square to celebrate the annual festival.
sammeln, versammeln
to bring things together in one place
Transitive: to gather sth
She gathered all her books from around the house and placed them neatly on the shelf.
He gathered all the tools from the garage and organized them in the toolbox.
Can you gather the ripe fruits from the orchard and place them in baskets for sale?
sammeln, verstehen
to understand information based on what is available
Transitive: to gather that
Observing the subtle cues in the conversation, she could gather that her colleague was feeling uneasy about the upcoming changes in the project.
Despite not being explicitly mentioned, he could gather from the context of the meeting that urgent action was required.
From the way her friend hesitated before answering, she gathered that something was on their mind.
versammeln, zusammenrufen
to bring people in one place for a specific purpose
Transitive: to gather a group of people
She gathers her friends for a weekend picnic in the park.
The teacher gathers the students for a group discussion in the classroom.
They gather the team members to discuss the project's progress.
sammeln, anhäufen
to collect or amass things gradually over a period of time
Transitive: to gather sth
She has gathered a lot of experience over the years in her profession.
The team has gathered a significant amount of data for the new research project.
Over the years, she gathered a collection of rare books from around the world.
raffen, falten
to create pleats or folds in fabric by folding it over itself and securing it
Transitive: to gather a fabric or garment
She gathered the fabric at the waist to create a fitted look for the dress.
She gathered the cloth into soft folds, creating a beautiful draped effect.
The dress had pleats that were neatly gathered in the front.
stärken, zunehmen
to gradually increase in speed, strength, or intensity
Transitive: to gather speed or intensity
The wind began to gather strength as the storm approached.
The car slowly gathered speed as it drove down the empty highway.
The rain started to gather force, turning into a heavy downpour.
sammeln, ernten
to collect plants, fruits, or other natural resources
Transitive: to gather natural products
They spent the afternoon gathering berries in the forest.
The family went to the orchard to gather apples for the harvest festival.
She loves to gather mushrooms when she goes hiking in the fall.
Versammlung, Sammlung
the act of gathering something
Raffung, Gathering
sewing consisting of small folds or puckers made by pulling tight a thread in a line of stitching

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