to reconcile
sich versöhnen, wieder zueinander finden
to become friendly again with another person after ending a disagreement or dispute
Friends often reconcile by acknowledging misunderstandings and apologizing.
It takes time to reconcile with family members after a heated disagreement.
Couples attend counseling to reconcile and strengthen their relationship.
versöhnen, wieder in Einklang bringen
to bring back the harmony
Transitive: to reconcile an issue or conflict
After a long discussion, they finally reconciled the terms of the contract.
They reconciled the scheduling issues by adjusting everyone 's availability.
The team reconciled their goals, finding a way to work together effectively.
versöhnen, in Einklang bringen
to make two things seem to fit or work well with each other
Transitive: to reconcile two things | to reconcile sth with sth
The company is trying to reconcile the need for profit with social responsibility.
The new policy was designed to reconcile environmental concerns with economic growth.
The book attempts to reconcile science and spirituality in a meaningful way.
versöhnen, überzeugen
to persuade someone to accept something unpleasant or difficult to deal with
Transitive: to reconcile sb to an unpleasant situation
They had to reconcile him to the idea of taking on extra work during the holidays.
The counselor helped reconcile the family to the changes after the accident.
The teacher worked to reconcile the students to the new rules they did n’t like.
versöhnen, wieder versöhnen
to make a person become friendly again with another after ending a disagreement or dispute
Transitive: to reconcile two people or parties
The mediator helped reconcile the two business partners after their falling out.
The manager helped reconcile the team members after their conflict.
The diplomat ’s efforts helped reconcile the conflicting parties.
Friends often reconcile by acknowledging misunderstandings and apologizing.
It takes time to reconcile with family members after a heated disagreement.
Couples attend counseling to reconcile and strengthen their relationship.
After a heated argument, they took steps to reconcile and mend their friendship.

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