Brosche, Nadel
What is a "pin"?
A pin is a small piece of jewelry that is usually worn on clothing or accessories. It consists of a decorative element, such as a bead, gemstone, or design, attached to a pin or clasp that can be fastened to fabric. Pins come in many different shapes and sizes, ranging from simple and understated to ornate and extravagant. They can be worn as a subtle accent to an outfit or as a statement piece that draws attention to the wearer. Pins can be made from a variety of materials, including precious metals like gold and silver, as well as non-precious metals, plastic, and other materials. They are often used to accessorize formal attire or to add a touch of personality to everyday outfits.
Nadel, Stecker
What is a "pin"?
A pin is a small, slender, pointed object used in sewing and other crafts to hold fabric pieces together temporarily. Pins are typically made of metal, with a sharp point at one end and a flat or rounded head at the other end to make it easy to handle and remove. They can be straight or curved, with some designs featuring a ball or pearl head for decorative purposes. Pins are an essential tool in sewing, allowing fabric pieces to be held together while being sewn without shifting or moving out of place. They are also commonly used in pattern-making and quilting. Pins must be handled with care to avoid injury, and some sewers prefer to use alternative methods such as clips or adhesive tape to hold fabric pieces together to reduce the risk of pricking themselves or damaging their fabric.
Stift, Achse
Stift, Bolzen
Kegel, Zapfen
Flagge, Stift
Stift, Zylinderstift
Bein, Strecke
Stecker, Marker
Pin, Abhaltetechnik
What is a "pin"?
A pin in wrestling occurs when a wrestler holds both of their opponent’s shoulders firmly on the mat for a specific amount of time, which immediately ends the match. Achieving a pin demonstrates complete control over the opponent and results in a victory, regardless of the score at the time. Pins require skillful technique, strength, and positioning to overpower the opponent and prevent them from escaping. Wrestlers often aim for a pin as it is the most decisive way to win a match.
Drohung, Matt setzen
What is a "pin"?
In chess, a pin is a tactic where a piece is forced to stay in its position because moving it would expose a more valuable piece behind it to attack. The piece being pinned cannot move without putting a more important piece, such as the king or queen, in danger. Pins are typically executed with long-range pieces, like rooks, bishops, or queens, which can attack across multiple squares. A pin can be a powerful way to gain material advantage by limiting the opponent's moves and forcing them into a defensive position. There are two types: absolute pin, where moving the pinned piece would expose the king, and relative pin, where the piece could be moved but doing so would still result in a disadvantageous position.
stecken, anheften
festhalten, unterdrücken
fixieren, festsetzen