shocking or sensational, especially in a gruesome or vulgar way
The lurid revelations of sexual misconduct by a prominent politician led to widespread outrage and calls for resignation, highlighting a profound breach of ethical conduct.
The lurid details of the corruption scandal implicated several high-ranking officials in the government, sparking public outcry and demands for ethical accountability.
The lurid affair between the married CEO and his secretary scandalized the company, resulting in a messy divorce and a tarnished corporate image due to blatant disregard for moral values.
depicted in a violent manner, emphasizing the extreme nature of violence or brutality
The documentary presented lurid images of animal cruelty in slaughterhouses, shocking viewers with the brutality of the meat industry.
The crime scene photos revealed lurid evidence of the serial killer's savagery, with bloodstains and dismembered limbs strewn across the room.
The history book recounted the lurid details of medieval torture methods, describing in vivid detail the brutality inflicted upon prisoners.
too bright in color, in a way that is not pleasant
ghastly pale