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bộ lọc
bộ lọc, bộ lọc máy ảnh
What is a "filter"?
A filter is an accessory attached to a camera lens that alters the way light enters the camera. Filters can enhance colors, reduce glare, or create special effects, such as adding a warming or cooling tone to images. They serve various purposes, such as minimizing reflections, controlling exposure, and protecting the lens from dust and scratches. Filters help achieve desired photographic effects and improve image quality.
bộ lọc, công cụ lọc
What is a "filter"?
A filter refers to a tool or effect that alters or enhances the appearance of photos, videos, or live streams. Filters can adjust things like color, brightness, or sharpness, or they can add special effects, such as making a photo look vintage or adding a fun animation. Filters are commonly used to improve images, make them more creative, or match a particular style or mood.