Tìm kiếm
to condemn
kết án, lên án
to strongly and publicly disapprove of something or someone
Transitive: to condemn an action or behavior
The community leaders condemned the act of vandalism in a public statement.
The teacher condemned cheating, emphasizing the importance of academic integrity.
kết án, tuyên án
to give a severe punishment to someone who has committed a major crime
Ditransitive: to condemn a criminal to a punishment
The court condemned the serial killer to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.
The judge condemned the corrupt politician to the maximum sentence allowed by law.
lên án, công nhận không phù hợp
to formally declare something as unsuitable or unsafe for use
Transitive: to condemn sth
The health department condemned the abandoned building, citing structural hazards and unsanitary conditions.
Sở y tế đã lên án tòa nhà bị bỏ hoang, với lý do các nguy hiểm về cấu trúc và điều kiện vệ sinh không đảm bảo.
Following the safety inspection, the fire marshal condemned the old warehouse as a fire risk.
Sau khi kiểm tra an toàn, viên chức phòng cháy chữa cháy đã lên án kho cũ là một nguy cơ cháy.
kết tội, lên án
to establish or demonstrate someone or something as guilty
Transitive: to condemn sb/sth
The forensic evidence presented at the trial condemned the suspect as the perpetrator of the crime.
Bằng chứng pháp y được trình bày tại phiên tòa đã kết tội nghi phạm là kẻ gây ra tội ác.
The whistleblower 's revelations condemned the corporation.
Sự tiết lộ của nhân chứng đã lên án tập đoàn.
buộc phải chịu đựng, ép buộc phải chấp nhận
to compel someone to endure or accept something undesirable or unpleasant
Ditransitive: to condemn sb to an unpleasant condition | to condemn sb to do sth
The sudden illness condemned him to a prolonged period of bed rest.
Growing up in poverty condemned her to a childhood devoid of many luxuries her peers enjoyed.
tịch thu, đền bù đất
to officially designate and declare private property to be acquired for public use
Transitive: to condemn a property
The local government condemned several parcels of land to build a new highway.
The city council condemned a portion of downtown for urban redevelopment.

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