Tìm kiếm
gấp ba, ba lần lớn hơn
three times as great or many
gấp ba, gấp ba lần
having more than one decidedly dissimilar aspects or qualities
soprano, giọng cao
the part in harmonic music or the voice with the highest pitch that belongs to a boy or female vocalist
What is "treble"?
Treble refers to the highest part of the vocal range or musical pitch. It includes the higher notes typically sung by female vocalists or boys whose voices have not yet changed. In music, treble can also describe the higher frequency range of sound, emphasizing the upper pitches. A treble voice is known for its bright, clear tone and is often used for roles that require reaching high notes and delivering a light, agile sound.
ba lần liên tiếp, ba chiến thắng
the act of scoring three consecutive wins or points in cue sports
Ví dụ
The soprano singer effortlessly reached the treble notes in the opera aria.
The flute's treble tones danced above the orchestra, adding a delicate shimmer to the piece.
The treble frequencies in the audio mix were adjusted to bring out the sparkle in the piano melody.
Her voice soared into the treble range as she hit the high notes effortlessly.
The demand for the product increased treble over the past few weeks.