to fill up
[phrase form: fill]
umple, completa
to make something become full
Can you fill up my glass with water, please?
I need to fill up the bathtub for a relaxing soak.
She wanted to fill her backpack up with snacks for the trip.
umple, completa
to become completely filled with a substance or material
Her schedule filled up with appointments.
The river quickly filled up after days of continuous rain.
As he kept eating, his stomach started to fill up.
a se sătura, a se umple
to eat until one is completely satisfied
The buffet at the party had so much food that I could n't help but fill up.
I try not to fill myself up with dessert before I finish my dinner.
After the long hike, we were ravenous and decided to fill up on a hearty meal.
umple, rezerva
to add enough fuel to completely fill the tank of a vehicle
I need to fill up the car before we head out on our road trip.
I'll need to fill the car up with gas before the trip.
Can you stop at the gas station and fill up the truck on your way home?
umple de emoție, a fi emoționat
to feel like crying due to something emotional or touching
The touching speech made her fill up with emotion.
When she saw the surprise party, her eyes began to fill up with tears of joy.
He could n't help but fill up with emotion when he heard the heartfelt song.

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