to work
werken, bezig zijn met
to do certain physical or mental activities in order to achieve a result or as a part of our job
He's been working on his presentation for hours.
Hij is uren bezig met zijn presentatie.
She works passionately to make a difference in the world.
Zij is gepassioneerd bezig om een verschil in de wereld te maken.
werken, beheren
to use or manage a particular thing in order to achieve something from it
Transitive: to work sth
He worked his connections to secure a job offer.
Licenses to work the fishing grounds in a specific area.
zich uitsloven, zich afbeulen
to cause oneself or someone else to work, particularly extremely hard
Transitive: to work sb
He worked himself to exhaustion trying to finish the project.
He works himself to the point of exhaustion.
werken, functioneren
to do a job or task, usually for a company or organization, in order to receive money
Transitive: to work for sb/sth | to work in sth | to work with sb/sth
Linking Verb: to work as sb
Both of my siblings work full-time jobs.
Beide van mijn broers en zusters functioneren in fulltime banen.
Do you like working with animals?
Hou je van werken met dieren?
werken, functioneren
(of a machine or device) to operate or function properly
Can you explain how the software works?
The computer is working perfectly now.
werken, bedienen
to cause a device, machine, etc. to be in operation
Transitive: to work sth
Do you know how to work the sewing machine?
He worked the lever to lift the heavy object.
bewerken, verwerken
to change the form or shape of a material into a certain form or shape by hitting, stretching, squeezing, etc.
Transitive: to work sth
He is working the dough to make bread.
Hij bewerkt het deeg om brood te maken.
She is working the clay to make a sculpture.
Ze bewerkt de klei om een sculptuur te maken.
bewerken, werken met
to use a particular material to produce or craft a form of art
Transitive: to work with sth | to work in sth
A jewelry maker working with gold to create a necklace.
A painter working in acrylics.
werken, slagen
to have the result that is desired
His solution worked, and they resolved the problem.
Zijn oplossing slaagde, en ze losten het probleem op.
The flattery does n't work on her, she sees through it.
De vleierij werkt niet op haar, ze doorziet het.
werken, inspanning leveren
to make efforts in order to gain something
She is working to improve her language skills.
Zij levert inspanning om haar taalkennis te verbeteren.
The organization is working to raise awareness about the issue.
De organisatie is bezig met het leveren van inspanningen om bewustzijn over het probleem te vergroten.
werken, actie hebben
to have a specific impact
Linking Verb: to work in a specific manner
Having a good sense of humor should work in your favor.
Een goed gevoel voor humor zou in jouw voordeel moeten werken.
Loyalty works both ways in a partnership.
Loyaliteit heeft actie in beide richtingen in een partnerschap.
zich een weg banen, doorheen werken
to move or pass from a particular position to another gradually or with difficulty
Complex Transitive: to work sth through sth
I had to work my way through the crowd to get to the stage.
The bolt worked loose from the nut.
bewegen, twerken
(of a part of face or body) to move violently
He saw the ghostly figure appear before him, his mouth working as he tried to scream but no sound came out.
His face was red and his mouth was working as he struggled to control his temper.
werken, zich in een emotionele staat brengen
to cause oneself or someone else to be in a particular emotional state
Complex Transitive: to work sb into sth
He worked himself into a rage when he found out about the betrayal.
Hij werkte zich in een woede toen hij hoorde van de verraad.
She worked herself into a frenzy trying to finish the project before the deadline.
Ze werkte zich in een razernij door te proberen het project voor de deadline af te maken.
beïnvloeden, manipuleren
to use one's persuasiveness to manipulate or influence someone's emotions or behavior
Transitive: to work sb/sth
The movie director worked the actors to evoke the desired emotions in the scene.
De filmregisseur beïnvloedde de acteurs om de gewenste emoties in de scène op te roepen.
The politician worked the crowd with his passionate speeches.
De politicus beïnvloedde de menigte met zijn passievolle toespraken.
He enjoys the creative work of writing poetry in his spare time.
Hij geniet van het creatieve werk van poëzie schrijven in zijn vrije tijd.
Teamwork is essential for completing complex projects at the office.
Teamwerk is essentieel voor het voltooien van complexe projecten op kantoor.
werk, baan
something that we do regularly to earn money
During the summer break, she took up work as a tour guide.
Tijdens de zomervakantie ging ze aan het werk als toeristengids.
He 's looking for part-time work to supplement his income.
Hij is op zoek naar parttime werk om zijn inkomen aan te vullen.
Each work in the artist's collection tells a unique story.
Her latest work, a gripping thriller novel, is a best-seller.
werkplaats, werkplek
a place where work is done
studie, werk
applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading)
arbeid, werk
(physics) a manifestation of energy; the transfer of energy from one physical system to another expressed as the product of a force and the distance through which it moves a body in the direction of that force
werk, taken
tasks, documents, or projects that a person is currently engaged in or working on
I have a lot of work to finish before the deadline.
She started her work early in the morning to get ahead.